300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India by Rishikesh Yog Satya School is the course, chosen by practitioners of almost all levels. You can start the course from the Beginner level and can practice it even if you hold good knowledge.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

Yoga is known to be an artistic combination of spiritual, mental and physical practices which incorporated with the divine healing powers. Yoga in Indian culture is more than a physical exercise. It includes spirituality and a way to connect with God. With our professional Yog Gurus in Rishikesh Yog Satya School, you will able to get a deep perception of Asana Pranayama Dharna Dhyan and samadhi.

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh: Rishikesh Yog Satya School is providing a 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh with a fully recognized certification which is valid globally. This program is an advanced version of training for those who have successfully completed 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. The Yoga is believed to be originated date back to Pre-Vedic traditions according to Rigveda. To understand the deepness of yoga and its various asanas, it requires a long time and good practitioner. But we teach you with a variety of advanced techniques of Yoga which are purely adapted from various irreproachable granthas (books) and historical Vedas. With our professional training, you will not only become a civilized Yoga teacher but you will be able to dive into the vast space of peace and prosperity. So, If you want to be a good Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, then join us. We will help you to achieve it.
Features of 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

We will get in touch with you shortly

Yoga Journey – With Rishikesh Yog Satya School

Yoga Journey – With Rishikesh Yog Satya School

ASANAS : – Positions where you are steady and comfortable. It is an art of being in you, art of understanding your physical aspect and abilities. Asana creates sense of balance in you to understand your body more deeply, as we all know a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Here, in the asana session we spend time with our body like we spend time with other humans to understand them better. Asana develops flexibility, strength, endurance, increase concentration power and also develops pratyahara in our body. Pratyahara means detachment from the material world, a stage where you just attached with yourself or one. Asana are not only works with your body but also calms your mind and soul. In India, Especially in Rishikesh we practice asanas as a spiritual practice, worship god before and after practice for better results.

Course Overview:

  1. Pawanmuktasana series 1 (Anti-rheumatic group)
  2. Pawanmuktasana series 2 (Digestive/abdominal group)
  3. Pawanmuktasana series 3
  4. Surya Namaskar ( sun salutation)
  5. Chandra Namaskar (Moon salutation)
  6. Tadasana (palm tree pose)
  7. Triyak tadasana (swaying palm tree pose)
  8. Trikonasana (triangle pose)
  9. Parivirtatrikon asana – revolving triangle pose
  10. Uttkatasana –chair pose
  11. Virbhdrasana 1 -warrior 1
  12. Virbhdrasana 2 -warrior 2
  13. Virbhdrasana 3 -warrior 3
  14. Ardha Chandrasana- Half moon pose
  15. Vriksasana – tree pose
  16. Parvatasana – mountain pose
  17. Adho mukha svanasana – downward facing dog
  18. Kati chakrasana – waist rotating pose
  19. Malasana – squatted yoga pose
  20. Garudasana – eagle pose
  21. Baddha Konasana- bound angle pose
  22. Rajkapoot asana – pegion pose
  23. Bhujanghasana – cobra pose
  24. Urdhva mukha svanasana –upward-facing dog
  25. Matsyasana-
  26. Setu Bhandasana
  27. Utrasana
  28. Dhanurasana
  29. Salabhasana
  30. Supta Virasana- reclining hero pose
  31. Virasana –hero pose
  32. Vajrasana –thunderbolt
  33. Gomukhasana
  34. Balasana
  35. Dandasana
  36. Ardha Matsyendrasana
  37. Merudandasana –spinal column pose
  38. Baka dhyanasana –patience crane pose
  1. Surya Namaskar A
  2. Surya Namaskar B

Primary Series:

  1. Padangusthasana
  2. Padahasthasana
  3. Utthita Trikonasana
  4. Parivrtta Trikonasana
  5. Utthita Parsvakonasana
  6. Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
  7. Prasarita Padottanasana A B C & D
  8. Parsvottanasana
  9. Eka Pada Padangusthasana A B C & D
  10. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
  11. Utkatasana
  12. Virabhadrasana A & B
  13. Dandasana
  14. Paschimottanasana A B C & D
  15. Purvattanasana
  16. Ardha Baddha Padma Uttanasana
  17. TriangMukaikapada Pashimottanasana
  18. Janu Sirsasana A B & C
  19. Marichyasana A B C & D
  20. Navasana
  21. Bhujapidasana
  22. Kurmasana
  23. Supta Kurmasana
  24. Garbha Pindasana
  25. Kukkutasana
  26. Baddha Konasana A & B
  27. Konasana
  28. Upavishta Konasana
  29. Supta Konasana
  30. Supta Padangusthasana A & B
  31. Ubhaya Padanghusthasana
  32. Urdhva Mukha Pashimottanasana
  33. Setu Bandhasana
  34. Urdhva Dhanurasana
  35. Sarvangasana
  36. Halasana
  37. Karnapidasana
  38. Urdhva Pindasana
  39. Matsyasana
  40. Urdhva Padmasana
  41. Sirsasana
  42. Baddha Padmasana
  43. Yogimudra
  44. Padmasana
  45. Uth pluthi
  46. Savasana

Regular practice of pranayama purifies the blood and the respiratory system, calms the nervous system, and can heal you up and gives you a feeling of joy, and blissfulness. A beautiful line was said in “Hatha Yoga Pradipika”,” when the breath wanders the mind is unsteady, but when the breath is still, so is the reason still”.

There are four major types of breath we use are:

  1. Pooraka {inhalation}
  2. Rechaka {exhalation}
  3. Antar kumbhaka {internal breath retention}
  4. Bahir kumbhaka {external breath retention}

Along with these major techniques, we also learn more techniques like:-

  • Natural breathing
  • Abdominal breathing
  • Thoracic breathing
  • Clavicular breathing
  • Yogic breathing
  • Sheetali
  • Sheetkari
  • Bhramari
  • Ujjayi
  • Bhastrika
  • Kapal bhati
  • Nadi shodan

Yoga philosophy is a beautiful journey of yoga from a seed to a plant and then to a tree from ancient times to now and here we study the origin of Yoga, Yogic culture, and the lifestyle of ancient Yogis. The course also covers Introduction of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, what is religion, what is Yoga, types of Yoga, Shree Bhagwat Geeta Gyan, what is Darshana {how you look to your life, perception of your to understand the life}, types of Darshana, secrets of sacred mantras and the art of finding yourself by exploring the universe inside you and solve each and every questions that are arising within you.

It is the study of human structure, how our body moves, muscles works, oxygen travels with nutrients including vitamins, protein, minerals, iron etc. Understanding the muscle tissue, prevent injury, functioning of organs. Yoga Anatomy teaches you to understand your body for better physical alignment in yoga poses that you can perform more safely and deeply also understand what is going on in our body.

Major topics under yoga anatomy are:

1. Movements of the body 2. Major muscles of the body
3. Major bones of the body 4. Functioning of spine
5. Benefits of yoga practice 6. Human organs and it’s important systems
7. Understanding of chakras and nadis
8. Tricks and tips to get healthy yogic life

Mantras are the sacred sounds/words taken from the holy Vedas, Upanishads, Shree mad bhagwat Geeta to fulfill the spiritual goals of one. Mantras are very powerful and full of blissfulness to develop inner peace and bring consciousness. Here, in the mantra session, we will learn recitation of these sacred mantras, how and where these mantras affects our body and mind, the power of the mantra on yogic practice, and how the mantras connect us with the universe. Some of the mantras are given below:
Major topics under yoga anatomy are:

LORD GANESH MANTRA: Vakra Tunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha! Nirveghnam Kurume Deva Sarva Kaaryeshu Sarveda.

LORD SHIVA MANTRA:Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhnam! Urva Rukamiva Dandhnam Mrityor Muksiya Mamrtat.

SHANTI MANTRA: Asato Ma Sadgamaya! Tamaso maa Jyotir Gamaya! Mrityoma Amiritam Gamaya!

MANTRA FROM GEETA:  Twameva Mata Cha Pita Twameva! Twameva Bandhu Cha Sakha Twameva! Twameva Vidhya Dravinam Twameva! Twameva Sarvam Mam Dev Deva.

GURU STOTRAM:  Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwara Gurur Sakshat Parabrahma Tasmai Shree Guruve Namah.

Teaching is the most important part of our TTC. We teach how to teach, how to prepare yourself before the class, during the class and even after the class. Building a teaching attitude is also important to achieve your teaching goals. In ancient time at old schools/ashrams, students lived for 5 to 10 years and learn different streams/subjects also observe their gurus/teachers and learn their teaching skills and the ways of teaching. Students also performed as a teacher and teach their co-mates and juniors in front of their gurus to nourish their teaching skills. In the same manner Rishikesh Yog Satya School also creates an environment to perform at front, learn and teach, observe as much as you can, ask questions and get satisfy answers. In short teaching methodology is a trick, method, attitude, experience, learning and skills to enrich your inner talent and present it outside the world.

It is a stage of deep relaxation also known as yogic sleep. In yoga nidra body lies between sleeping and waking like going to sleep. A stage where practitioner is in the quality of awareness, and listening instructions given by guru. Just like meditation yoga nidra is also a path to Samadhi.

A small 15-minute laughing class will be done every day in the evening for students as a laughing therapy.

Come and join us to explore self

  • We use steady techniques to teach you difficult postures.

  • We have matchless yoga gurus and a soothing training environment which will help you to achieve the highest levels of satisfaction from Yoga.

  • We have batches of Yoga Teacher training running throughout the year.You can come anytime to us as per your convenience.

  • Complete study on stress free Yoga Asana

  • A brief study on Vedic and Spiritual relationship of Yoga
  • The practices & brief study of eight limbs of Yoga.
  • The practices & brief study of eight limbs of Yoga.
  • Practicing on various Relaxation techniques such as Yoga Nidra etc.

A Day as a Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Trainee

300-hour residential Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher training in India in 2022-2023 registered with Yoga Alliance, USA & Affiliate Yoga Schools Rishikesh Yog Satya School RYS 300.

You have to prepare yourself for the day with a positive mindset so that it reflects throughout the day. Early risers often have very well established sleep routines. This means going to bed early, and most likely following a schedule every day which is also a practice of discipline in the path of yoga.

Herbal tea is an effective drink in improving metabolism and enhancing the health status.

Yogic Cleansing helps in detoxifying the body and allows to enjoy the practice of Asana and Pranayama.

The word “Prana” stands for life force and it is believed to be the vital energy or life force that encompasses the body. This also serves as the link between the consciousness and the mind. Once the breath is still, your mind is still as well.

We will practice the Yoga Asanas. You will also have the explanations of each posture and learn how to assist, how to teach postures, and why postures are important.

Enjoy the morning with a delicious yogic breakfast. Dishes we prepare will be according to Indian and Western Style.

Here, Students will learn Anatomy and Physiology relevant to Yoga in order to strengthen their classroom explanations, cues, and corrections of Asana.

This class will prepare students to read and understand Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Each Friday, students will lead a discussion reflecting on the week’s readings. Before class, students should write down one question on a note card directly related to the day’s reading and give this to the teacher at the start of class.

Enjoy the delicious Indian style yogic food.

Alignment & Adjustment of Yoga Postures by demonstrating on students.

Ashtanga Yoga Primary series Asana practice.

Chanting helps the practitioner experiences a clearing of consciousness, peace of mind, and relief from unwanted drives and habits. As one develops more realization by chanting, he perceives the original, spiritual existence of the self. According to the Bhagavad-gita, this enlightened state “is characterized by one’s ability to see the self by the pure mind and to relish and rejoice in the self “.

Enjoy the nutritious meal indian meal with love and positivity.

Enjoy your sleep, Hari OM.

Upcoming Events

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Private Room fee starts from

USD 1050 USD 1599

The shared Room fee starts from

USD 950 USD 1499

What is Included in Course Fees

  • 28 Days Accommodation
  • 1 book Yoga Mala (“by k. Pattabhi Jois”)
  • 1 Pen and note book
  • Attached bathrooms
  • 1 book Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha (“by Swami Satyananda Saraswati”)
  • Pure vegetarian meals
  • Satkarma cleansing items.
  • T-Shirt
  • Yoga Alliance Certification
  • One bag
Date Price Book
02 May 2024 to 28 May 2024 USD 950
02 June 2024 to 28 June 2024 USD 950
02 July 2024 to 28 July 2024 USD 950
02 Aug 2024 to 28 Aug 2024 USD 950
02 Sep 2024 to 28 Sep 2024 USD 950
02 Oct 2024 to 28 Oct 2024 USD 950

Sattvic Food for Yogis

Rishikesh Yoga Satya School strives to provide its students with meals that not only satisfy their nutritional needs but also contribute to their overall growth and well-being. By offering a yoga diet rooted in Ayurveda, the school aims to support students in their journey toward a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Comfortable Accommodation

The accommodation at Rishikesh Yoga Shatya School is designed to cater specifically to the needs of participants attending the yoga teacher training course. The rooms are spacious and airy, ensuring a comfortable stay. The school understands the importance of a healthy living space for the well-being of the students.

Spiritual Yoga Gurus

Affiliated Yoga School offering 200 & 300 Hours of Hatha and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India, registered with the Association of Yoga Teachers and Yoga Schools, Yoga Alliance, USA.

Yogi Satish Nautiyal Ji

Founder | Ashtanga & Vinyasa Instructor

Yogi Ankit Maithani Ji

Mediation Teacher

Yogi Harminder Ji

Yoga Anatomy and physiology teacher.

Yogi Varun Ji

Yoga philosophy Asana Teacher


Yoga Teacher Training Student’s Review

We conduct yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, Goa, and Kerala. We get lot of love and belief from students. These reviews by our ex-students are an example of this.

I got a chance to learn Hatha from him, and absolutely loved it. Amazing teacher, infectious smile, peaceful voice; these are the qualities one will mention who has been Satish sir’s student. And that is 100% true, no doubt about it. The kind of a person he truly is, that optimistic approach towards life; it is reflected through his character and that helped me connect with him. Wish I could write a lot, but will share this; I truly cried, like I poured my heart out when I was sitting next to him while he was chanting Rudrashtakam. Amazing feeling! One of the finest person/teacher I’ve come across in my life.

Shubham lakudkar, Google Review

Satish is a fantastic teacher. Such a humble, beautiful person who taught me so much about yoga practice and about myself. He is very creative, and taught us to be creative with our practice. Every class was different, and he was keen to try new things and new ways of teaching to ensure we got the most out of our time with him. I feel extremely privileged to have been able to practice with Satish and look forward to being back in India and spending more time with him. And I will always remember to do everything with a gentle smile

Amy Thwaites, Google Reviews

I was blessed to be under guidance such a great Ashtanga yoga teacher as Satish is. He brings awareness and motivation for practice yoga in his classes. I was excited before each class and eager to learn more from him. Amazing energy, lovely person, true Yogi. Thank you for all your lessons and dedication. Looking forward to come and practice with you again God bless you!

Marijana Marinkovic, Google Reviews

Satish is definitely one of my favorite yoga teachers ever. He teaches with such love and compassion, and I always felt super amazing after every class. His savasana adjustments are heaven and so is his voice! 🙂

Leone Murphy, Google Reviews

I’m grateful and blessed that Satish was my ashtanga teacher during my TTC. I didn’t want to miss a single class with this beautiful soul. His teaching is very profesional and deep. He takes his time to explain the asanas and the alignment..and he does that with his precious smile and patientce. He always reminds the students to take care of their body and be aware of limits. That makes him amazing and caring teacher!
..Satish, keep spreading your knowledge and keep shining..looking foward to see you again some day. Namaste

Tina Kamenicki, Google Reviews

Yoga Teacher Training, Rishikesh, FAQ

Below you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. We are constantly adding the most asked questions to this page.

If you have any other questions info. rishikeshyogsatya@gmail.com

The fees for yoga teacher training at Rishikesh Yog Satya School in India are given here –

  • 100-Hour Yoga Teachers Training – USD 650
  • 200-Hour Yoga Teachers Training – USD 899
  • 300-Hour Yoga Teachers Training – USD 1449
  • 500-Hour Yoga Teachers Training – USD 2499

World-renowned yoga teacher training at Rishikesh Yog Satya School specializes in offering different yoga courses and retreats, covering all aspects of the traditional and devotional yoga system to become a yoga teacher in India. Get enrolled with us and we will teach you all the major and required aspects of Yoga Teacher training.

Rishikesh Yog Satya School is internationally certified and registered under the Yoga Alliance USA (Registered Yoga Schools) and has worldwide acclaim for providing 100 hours of Yoga Teacher Training, 200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training, 300 hours of Yoga Teacher Training, and 500-hour yoga teacher training in India.

Rishikesh Yog Satya School is one of the best yoga schools in Rishikesh, India for yoga teacher training. We offer the best authentic yoga teacher training courses in Rishikesh India certified by Yoga Alliance USA. Our best TTC are –

  • 100-Hour Yoga Teachers Training
  • 200-Hour Yoga Teachers Training
  • 300-Hour Yoga Teachers Training
  • 500-Hour Yoga Teachers Training

Also, our Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Hatha Yoga teacher training courses have been carried out with care, love, discipline, and rigor by a team of professionals for several years in Rishikesh.

200-Hour Yoga Teachers Training cost in India at Rishikesh Yog Satya School is USD 899 that include food and accommodation included for the student.